Calorie restriction as effective as time-restricted eating in treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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A new study suggests that calorie restriction plus eating may be the best way to reduce liver fat in people with NAFLD. Image credit: Raymond Forbes LLC/Stocksy.
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver not caused by alcohol consumption, is a major cause of chronic liver disease.
  • Obese people are at increased risk of NAFLD, and weight loss can help reduce liver fat levels and improve NAFLD symptoms.
  • A recent randomized clinical trial compared the effectiveness of a time-restricted diet with reduced calorie intake and regular daily calorie restriction in reducing liver fat levels in patients with NAFLD.
  • The study found that both time-restricted eating and daily calorie restriction resulted in similar reductions in liver fat content and other markers of liver dysfunction.
  • These results suggest that reducing calorie intake may be more important than merely restricting food intake within a specific time window for the management of NAFLD.

Time-restricted eating Involves restricting all food intake to specific time windows during the day.Some doctors consider it a better strategy For long-term weight loss, it’s better than simple calorie restriction because it’s better for long-term adherence.

A recent randomized clinical trial published in JAMA Network Open showed that calorie restriction with or without a time-restricted diet resulted in similar reductions in liver fat levels and improvements in metabolic markers.

These results underscore the importance of calorie restriction and time-restricted eating in the management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other metabolic disorders.

However, time-restricted eating improved insulin sensitivity to a greater extent than conventional calorie restriction.

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